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We are here to implement all required technical solutions on all the pages of your website, enabling any search engine like Google or Bing to discover and interpret your content for display in search engine results.

If you don’t stay ahead of your competitors
and achieve remarkable results, You don’t pay!




When building your own website, you likely design it with your audience in mind, aiming to make it easy for readers to find and explore your content straightforwardly. One of those users is a search engine, which helps people discover your content. On-page SEO focuses on making your content more understandable to search engines, which in turn helps users discover your site and decide whether to visit it or not. The more effectively we implement On-Page SEO, the more traffic we can direct to your website.

On-page SEO is nothing more than optimising your own website page by page. On-page SEO involves technical enhancements like headers, meta descriptions, title tags, linking, etc, to improve your site’s visibility in search results. So, all those elements are something we can control as an end user who wants to rank our web page and our website on Google. Before we do anything with our website, we first need to understand what keywords we want to rank for.



At TAHAMI ONLINE™, In order to understand what keywords you would like to rank for, we need to do keyword research first. If you do anything in SEO, keyword research is the most important activity. You need to understand that if you choose a keyword that you want to rank for, how much traffic you’re going to get from that keyword if you’re ranked organically, say number one on Google. Also, we should collect all your relevant keywords to find out the volume and competition data for better analysis.

At the end of the day, we will be doing your keyword research, including keyword relevancy, competition analysis, and advanced technical improvements to boost your site’s performance and website visibility and eventually position it at the top of search engine rankings.

SORRY! There are no hidden tricks here that’ll automatically rank your site first in Google. In fact, some of the suggestions may not apply to your business, but following the best practices will make it easier for search engines (not just Google) to crawl, index, and understand your content more effectively.

If you’re interested in learning more and obtaining a tailored solution for your business, click the button below to speak with one of our SEO strategists for free.




At TAHAMI ONLINE™, In order to understand what keywords you would like to rank for, we need to do keyword research first. If you do anything in SEO, keyword research is the most important activity. You need to understand that if you choose a keyword that you want to rank for, how much traffic you’re going to get from that keyword if you’re ranked organically, say number one on Google. Also, we should collect all your relevant keywords to find out the volume and competition data for better analysis.

At the end of the day, we will be doing your keyword research, including keyword relevancy, competition analysis, and advanced technical improvements to boost your site’s performance and website visibility and eventually position it at the top of search engine rankings.

SORRY! There are no hidden tricks here that’ll automatically rank your site first in Google. In fact, some of the suggestions may not apply to your business, but following the best practices will make it easier for search engines (not just Google) to crawl, index, and understand your content more effectively.

If you’re interested in learning more and obtaining a tailored solution for your business, click the button below to speak with one of our SEO strategists for free.


Now is the time to determine how we want our pages displayed in search results. Google/Bing provides several methods that allow you to prepare your content for crawling and indexing. As we have the relevant keywords ready to go, we can start optimising critical elements of your website, such as title, meta tags, headings, and the overall content structure. Therefore, we can boost your visibility between your competitors and change your position on search engine results pages (SERPs). Indeed, this strategy attracts significant organic traffic to your digital presence.

Our team of SEO strategists uses advanced SEO tools and techniques on the market, such as Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Mangools, Yoast, Rank Math, MOZ, Ahrefs, and Screaming Frog Spider, to perform a detailed analysis of your website’s on-page and off-page elements. We then offer you the best technical solutions to address any weaknesses, turning them into compelling selling points and taking your website’s digital presence to the ultimate level.

Are you ready to begin your digital transformation journey and achieve optimal visibility with our On-Page SEO services? Reach out to us today to book a consultation with one of our SEO experts and unlock the full potential of your digital presence.

Highlighting Our Technical Capabilities
and Proven Experience in On-Page SEO

Keyword Optimisation

Conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify high-potential keywords relevant to match user intent to your niche and audience. We are strategically integrating a focus keyword throughout your content, including in headings, subheadings, body text, image alt attributes, and meta tags, to signal relevance to search engines and improve organic visibility and ranking. We will write for the users and not for the search engines! 

Seamless URL Structure

We create clean, concise, and SEO-friendly uniform resource locators (URLs) that incorporate your domain and breadcrumbs, enhancing user experiencesearch engine crawling and indexing. Google wants to know if this page is relevant to the user’s query. If it is, then this user will likely have a good user experience after they click on the listing. So, the URL is an element that helps not only with the click-through rate, but with ranking. 

Page and HTML Optimisation

Each page on your website should be structured with headings and sub-headingsorganised to allow end-users to read your content clearly and concisely, without confusion. Therefore, optimising heading tags (H1-H6) and custom taxonomies is essential to enhance relevance and improve the contents structure. Ideally, we recommend using an H1 or H2 for standard website pages, as they are at the top of the hierarchy. We use only one single H1 on each page and incorporate a focus keyword in our headers, which is crucial not only to highlight key themes for Google but also to organise the content effectively, as Google prefers well-structured content. 

Title Tag Optimisation

In On-Page SEO, the appealing title tag is the most important factor because thats what users who use Google search see first when they type in a query and get results. Also, when we choose our focus keyword, we want to make sure that the main keyword is in the title tag because that shows up in Google search. We recommend having a title tag between 50 and 60 characters. No more than 60 characters are recommended because if its beyond that, then Google will truncate the title tag. 

Meta Description Tag Optimisation

The compelling meta description is simply just a brief description of up to 160 characters and includes a focus keyword about the web page itself. So, creating captivating and well-written meta-descriptions is required to entice clicks and boost SERP visibility. 

Social-Media Title & Meta Description Tag Optimisation

The enticing page titles and meta-descriptions tailored for social media platforms are highly important for all the pages. This helps to have better visibility and boost click-through rates, eventually increasing lead conversion. 

Code Optimisation

Code Optimisation is a technique to minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to improve site speed and performance, ensuring a smooth user experience. In order to have the best optimised mobile experience, we suggest implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 

Comprehensive Sitemap Strategy

The sitemap is a list of all the pages on your website. The whole idea of listing all the pages on your website is to help both users and search engines understand the structure of your website. So, there are two types of sitemaps. XML sitemap and HTML sitemap. Generating and submitting various XML sitemaps (including images, videos, and news) can facilitate efficient crawling and indexing by search engines. 

Canonicalisation and Robots.txt Management

Canonicalisation refers to the process of selecting the best URL when there are several choices available, typically for web content that can be accessed through multiple URLs. Its crucial for SEO because search engines view URLs as separate entities. Having the same content accessible through multiple URLs can lead to duplicate content issues, diluting the value of the content across those URLs and potentially impacting search rankings. Implementing canonical tags and configuring Robots.txt files can streamline crawl prioritisation and indexation. The robots.txt file is a text file at the root of your website that tells search engine crawlers which pages or sections of your site should not be crawled and indexed. 

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Implement Structured Data Markup

Google Search strives to understand the content on a page. We are offering clear indicators of a pages meaning to Google using structured data. Structured data is a standard method for supplying information about a page and categorising its content. 

Icon, Image, and Video Optimisation

Optimising icons, images, and videos by fine-tuning their names, sizes, formats, and alt attributes and incorporating keyword optimisation can significantly improve your content’s visual appeal and search engine visibility. Here is what we are going to do: 

Optimal Naming 

Size and Format  

Alt Attributes 

Keyword Optimisation 

Responsive Design 

Structured Data 

Thumbnail Optimisation 

XML Sitemap 

Rich Snippet Integration

By utilising structured data markup (Schema markup), you are able to enhance search results with attention-grabbing Rich Snippets. This could help to increase click-through rates and direct more traffic to your website.  

Internal and External Linking Structure

Internal linking involves creating links from one page on your website to another, enhancing site navigation. This strategy allows users to move between relevant articles or pages naturally and seamlessly without relying solely on the main navigation. The main purpose of internal link building is to improve the end-user experience while also enabling Google to identify, crawl, and index pages, ultimately get ranked for them. Also, we highly recommend linking out to relevant and authoritative websites for better crawling and indexing.  

Duplicate Content Management

Duplicate content management is crucial in SEO because search engines prefer unique content. When multiple pages have similar or identical content, it can dilute the pages value, confuse search engines on which version to index or rank, and may negatively impact your sites SEO performance. In this situation, we suggest using Canonical Tags and Robot.txt to mitigate the risk of duplicate content issues and maintain search engine credibility. 

Check and Fix Broken Links

Broken links are hyperlinks on your website that no longer work. They can lead to a 404 error page, which can be frustrating for users and harmful to your SEO efforts. To tackle thiswe need to find and fix broken links. Tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider, SEMrush and Ahrefs Site Audit can crawl your site just like a search engine would. We will identify links that lead nowhere, essentially crafting a map of what needs fixing. Once weve identified broken links, we either update the link to point to the correct page or, remove the link or replace it with a link to related content. 

Check and Fix Redirect Chains and Loops

Redirect chains occur when there’s a sequence of redirects from one URL to another, then another, and so on, before reaching the final destination. Redirect loops are even more problematic, as they create an infinite cycle where a URL redirects back to itself directly or through other URLs, which can trap users and search engine crawlers. To fix this, we identify the redirect issues by using Screaming Frog SEO Spider to crawl your site. It will show us the chain of redirects or if a loop exists. Look specifically for any redirection that doesn’t go directly to its final URL. Then, we will simplify the redirect chains by ensuring each redirect leads directly to the final, active URL. This reduces load time and improves user experience. At the end, for loops, we’ll need to trace where the loop starts and ends. Thus, we need to adjust the redirects so that each URL points to its correct destination without looping back to a previous point in the chain. 

Improving JavaScript Web Apps

JavaScript plays a crucial role in the web ecosystem, offering features that transform the web into a robust application platform. Ensuring your JavaScript-driven web applications are discoverable through Google Search can attract new users and re-engage current ones as they look for your web app’s content. Although Google Search processes JavaScript using an up-to-date version of Chromium, several optimisation opportunities exist to consider having discoverable content. 

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Complete your optimisation with Technical SEO

To get the full benefits and potential of On-Page SEO, we strongly suggest considering technical SEO too. They’re like two peas in a pod, working together to make sure your site’s as crawlable and indexable as possible. So, both of these strategies have to be in full effect in order for you to rank and get a higher position on the search engine result page (SERP).

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Multilingual Content Optimisation

Optimising your website for multiple languages is crucial in reaching and effectively communicating with a global audience. Implementing ‘’hreflang’’ tags and proper language targeting plays a key role in this process, ensuring that the right content version is shown to users based on their language preference.  

Geotargeting Optimisation

Adjusting your URL structure to include country-specific subdirectories and generic top-level domains (gTLDs) is a strategic approach to more effectively target local audiences. Here’s a breakdown of how TAHAMI ONLINE™ implement geotargeting optimisation: 

Country-Specific Subdirectories: Incorporate subdirectories specific to different countries or regions in your site’s URL structure. For example, www.tahamionline.com/us/ is available for the United States, and www.tahamionline.com/au/ is available for Australia.  

Use of gTLDs with Geotargeting: If you use generic top-level domains (gTLDs) like .com or .org, you can set geographical targets in Google Search Console. For instance, www.tahamionline.com

Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs): Using a country code top-level domain (ccTLD), such as .co.uk for the United Kingdom or .de for Germany, is a solid signal to search engines and users about the geographic targeting of your website. For example, www.tahamionline.au

Hreflang Tags: Use ‘’hreflang’’ tags to tell search engines about the language and geographic targeting of a page.  

Page Speed Optimisation

Prioritising page speed optimisation is essential for improving user experience and fulfilling search engine standards. It encompasses several critical actions designed to reduce loading times and ensure your website operates smoothly on any device. Here’s how TAHAMI ONLINE™ tackle page speed optimisation: 

Optimise Images and Multimedia by Compressing images and converting them into efficient formats like WebP. 

Leverage Browser Caching to have a faster loading for returning visitors. 

Enable Compression by Gzip to reduce the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, speeding up your site’s load time. 

Minimise Server Response Time by optimising your web server’s configuration or moving to a faster hosting provider. Also, considering using CDN like Cloudflare is quite important.  

Minimise CSS, JavaScript, and HTML by removing unnecessary formatting, whitespace, and code. 

Use Asynchronous Loading for CSS and JavaScript by modifying the way your CSS and JavaScript files load so that they do so asynchronously. 

Prioritise Above-the-Fold Content (Lazy Loading) by Implementing lazy loading for images and videos, which means these elements are only loaded when they’re about to enter the viewport. 

User Experience Optimisation

Focusing on user experience (UX) is crucial for any website aiming to retain visitors and convert them into customers or followers. You can significantly improve user satisfaction and decrease bounce rates by prioritising elements like intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action (CTAs), quick loading times, and secure browsing. Here’s how TAHAMI ONLINE™ enhance UX on your site: 

Intuitive Navigation 

Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs) 

Fast Load Times 

Secure Browsing 

Mobile Responsiveness 

Engaging Content 

Feedback Mechanisms 

Increased Conversion Rates

In the journey of optimisation, each click carries the potential for conversion by capturing the attention of search engines and captivating your audience. We want you to pave the path to higher conversion rates, whether you’re aiming for leads, sales, or strengthening your brand loyalty. At TAHAMI ONLINE™, we provide valuable, high-quality content that meets the needs and interests of your audience. To achieve this, we use compelling headings, bullet points, and high-quality images to break up text and make content, including CTA, easy to click. 

Bing Webmaster Tools Setup

Setting up Bing Webmaster Tools is crucial for achieving comprehensive coverage and enhanced visibility on the Bing search engine. This platform provides a suite of resources and insights similar to Google’s offerings but tailored for Bing’s search ecosystem. Here’s how TAHAMI ONLINE™ get started: 

Create a Bing Webmaster Tools Account 

Verify Your Website through XML file authentication, meta tag authentication & DNS record. 

Submit Your Sitemaps through Bing Webmaster Tools 

Configure Your Site Settings 

Monitor Your Site’s Performance 

Leverage SEO Reports and Tools 

Stay Updated with Alerts 

Responsive Design Optimisation

Responsive design allows your site to automatically adjust its layout, content, and functionality to suit any device’s screen size and resolution, from mobile phones and tablets to desktop computers. Here’s how TAHAMI ONLINE™ optimise your website for responsive design: 

Fluid Grids 

Flexible Images and Media 

Media Queries 

Touchscreen Navigation 

Testing on Real Devices 

Loading Time Optimisation 

Accessibility Considerations 

Avoid Unnecessary Redirects 

Core Web Vitals Optimisation

Optimising your website to meet Google’s Core Web Vitals is crucial for enhancing user experience and boosting search engine ranking performance. The Core Web Vitals consist of three specific page performance metrics: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). At TAHAMI ONLINE™, this is how we optimise for each: 

Optimise LCP: Focuses on improving loading performance for the largest content element visible in the viewport. To improve LCP, you should: 

Compress and optimise images. 

Use lazy loading for images and iframes. 

Remove or defer non-critical JavaScript and CSS. 

Upgrade your web hosting for faster server response times. 

Optimise FID: Measures the time from when a user first interacts with your site to the time the browser responds to that interaction. To reduce FID: 

Minimise (or defer) JavaScript; it cannot be processed until the page is fully loaded. 

Remove any non-critical third-party scripts. 

Use a web worker if you need to run JavaScript on the main thread. 

Optimise CLS: Aims to quantify how often users experience unexpected layout shifts. To minimise CLS: 

Include size attributes for any media (images, videos, GIFs, etc.). 

Reserve space for ad elements before they load. 

Avoid inserting new content above existing content unless it is in response to a user’s interaction. 

Google Services Integration

Integrating essential Google services into your website is a strategic move to gain invaluable insights and maximise online visibility. Here’s a guide on how TAHAMI ONLINE™ sets up essential Google services that can significantly enhance your digital marketing efforts. 

Google Business Profile: Essential for local SEO, it allows you to manage your business’s appearance on Google Maps and search results. 

Google Search Console: A must-have tool for monitoring your site’s performance in Google search. It helps identify crawl errors, submit sitemaps, and understand your site’s search traffic. 

Google Analytics: Provides detailed insights into website traffic, user behaviour, and conversion metrics. It’s vital for understanding how users interact with your site and identifying areas for improvement. 

Google Tag Manager: Simplifies the process of managing tags (snippets of code or tracking pixels) on your website. Use it to deploy and update Google Analytics, Google Ads, and other tags without editing your site code. 

Google Ads Account: Key to driving targeted traffic through paid search. Set up your Google Ads account to start creating ad campaigns that reach your desired audience based on keywords, interests, and demographics. 

Google Keyword Planner: A tool within Google Ads, it helps you discover keywords related to your business and see estimates of the searches they receive and the cost to target them. It’s invaluable for planning your SEO and PPC strategies. 

Google Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your Google Business Profile. High-quality, positive reviews can improve your business’s visibility and increase the likelihood that a potential customer will visit your location. 

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Implementation

Implementing AMP can be a valuable strategy for websites focusing on mobile traffic and seeking to improve their performance in mobile search results. AMP is an open-source framework that makes web pages load faster on mobile devices. It’s a project designed by Google and Twitter to help improve mobile users’ speed and user experience. Implementing AMP involves creating a lightweight version of your web pages that adheres to a set of specific standards and components defined by the AMP project. AMP uses a form of HTML called AMP HTML, which restricts certain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can slow down page loading. Here are the benefits of AMP implementation by TAHAMI ONLINE™ 

Improved Page Speed: AMP pages load significantly faster than non-AMP pages, improving the mobile browsing experience. 

Increased Visibility: AMP pages are often highlighted in mobile search results and may appear in special places, like the Top Stories carousel in Google Search. 

Better Engagement and Conversion: Faster loading times lead to lower bounce rates and can improve engagement and conversion rates on mobile devices. 

Over Competitor



Our portfolio does the talking. We’ve guided heaps of businesses to success, sailing through the stormy seas of search engine optimisation and coming out on top. Our track record is packed with wins that showcase our knack for boosting digital footprints.



Remember, SEO isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s an ongoing voyage. We’re in it for the long haul, keeping a keen eye on your website’s on-page SEO to ensure you stay ahead and clinch that search engine crown.



Think of us not just as consultants but as your co-pilots on this journey. We get to the heart of what you need, blending your goals into our strategies to chart a course that’s uniquely yours. Your vision is our blueprint for success.



On this journey of optimisation, honesty is our compass. We keep you in the loop at every turn, making sure you’re up-to-speed with your campaign’s progress and the victories we rack up together.

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We utilise the best SEO Tools like SEMrush, Moz, GTmetrix, etc. to audit your current SEO situation and enhance your digital presence, attracting and converting more qualified leads. By integrating your search campaign with required essential platforms for your growth, we can achieve long-term results and a significant performance boost.

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What is On-Page SEO, and why is it important?

On-page SEO involves optimising elements within a website to improve search engine rankings and visibility. Its important because it directly impacts how search engines interpret and rank your site, making it easier for users to find you. 

How do you conduct an On-Page SEO audit?

An On-Page SEO audit involves analysing various technical elements of your website, such as title, meta tags, headings, content, and internal/external linking, to identify areas for improvement and optimisation.

Why is On-Page SEO crucial for the TAHAMI ONLINE™ agency?

For us at TAHAMI ONLINE Agency, On-Page SEO ensures that our client’s websites are easily discoverable by their target audience. It helps increase organic traffic, improve user experience, improve website visibility, and drive conversions.

What tools do you use for On-Page SEO analysis?

We use tools like SEMrush, Mangool, Yoast, Rankmath, MOZ, Ahrefs, and Screaming Frog Spider to comprehensively analyse on-page elements, keyword research, and technical audits.

What elements of a webpage does On-Page SEO cover?

On-Page SEO encompasses various elements of a webpage to optimise it for search engines and improve user experience. Here are a few key elements it covers: 

  • Title tag 
  • Meta descriptions 
  • Header tags (H1, H2, H3 etc.) 
  • Image alt texts 
  • URL structures 
  • Internal and external linking 
  • Content Quality and Keyword Optimisation 
  • Mobile responsiveness 
  • Page Speed 
  • Schema Markup 
  • Image and Video Optimisation 
What are meta tags, and how do you optimise them in On-Page SEO?

Meta tags are HTML elements that provide search engines with metadata about a webpage. We optimise them by ensuring they accurately reflect the page content and include relevant keywords. 

What role do headings play in On-Page SEO?

Headings organise content and provide structure for both users and search engines. They help search engines understand the context of the content and improve readability for users.

How does the TAHAMI ONLINE™ SEO Agency optimise your content in On-Page SEO?

TAHAMI ONLINE™ Agency optimises your content for On-Page SEO through a comprehensive and strategic approach that ensures your website not only appeals to search engines but also delivers value to your audience. Here’s how we do it: 

  • Keyword Research: Identify a focus keyword and relevant keywords based on keyword difficulty, Search Volume, and intent. 
  • Content Creation: Write well-written and engaging content based on the intent. 
  • Content Formatting: Ensure a readable format using headers, structure, and bullet points. 
  • Image, icon, video, and animation Optimisation: Use descriptive file names, alt texts, and optimised content. 
  • Internal Linking: Connect relevant articles/pages within the website. 
How do you optimise content for search engines without sacrificing readability?

We naturally integrate relevant keywords into content while focusing on readability and user experience. That involves creating informative and engaging lead-generating content that addresses user intent.

What is the importance of internal linking in On-Page SEO?

Internal linking helps search engines discover and index pages, establishes website hierarchy, and enhances user navigation. It distributes link equity throughout the site, improving overall visibility.

How can On-Page SEO improve user experience?

On-Page SEO optimisation enhances user experience by improving page load speed, mobile responsiveness, content organisation, and navigation, increasing engagement and satisfaction.

What is the difference between On-Page and Off-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO focuses on optimising elements within a website. At the same time, Off-Page SEO involves activities outside the website, such as link building (backlinks) and social media marketing, to improve authority, relevance and eventually website ranking.

How long does it take to see results from On-Page SEO efforts?

Results from On-Page SEO efforts vary based on factors like keyword competitiveness and website authority. Generally, it may take weeks to months to see noticeable improvements in rankings and traffic.

Do you offer ongoing maintenance for On-Page SEO optimisation?

At TAHAMI ONLINE, we provide ongoing maintenance to ensure your website remains optimised and competitive. It includes regular audits, content updates, and technical optimisations to adapt to algorithm changes. 

What sets your On-Page SEO services apart from competitors?

Our holistic approach, personalised strategies, advanced technical knowledge, transparent communication, and track record of success differentiate our On-Page SEO services. We prioritise client needs and deliver tangible results through comprehensive optimisation efforts.

Can I audit my own site’s On-Page SEO without TAHAMI ONLINE™ SEO AGENCY?

Certainly! However, a professional audit by TAHAMI ONLINE Agency ensures a thorough examination of professional strategy, catching nuances that might be missed otherwise.